On January 20th, 2021, President Biden:
1. Canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, killing an estimated 11,000 American jobs. “TC Energy Corporation, the Canadian company behind the Keystone XL pipeline project, said they would cut more than 11,000 jobs,” The Blaze reported.
(Source: https://www.dailywire.com/news/unions-wanted-biden-now-theyre-blasting-him-over-killing-keystone-xl)
2. Ended leasing and permitting on federal lands including ANWAR. Most permits are for drilling or mining. Although this order is said to be temporary (for 60 days), with the only reason for the order in the first place to be to at least consider more restrictions.
The natives are not too happy with this.
3. Executive order re-joining the Paris climate accord – a useless posture considering that the United States was the only country that held up its side of the deal, costing us billions, with zero upside, as it is a nonbinding agreement that no other country was abiding by. Just another way for those countries to suck off the American tit.