Biden Declassifies Transformital and Transformoral Technologies To Save Economy

Biden Declassifies Transformital and Transformoral Technologies To Save Economy

BREAKING:- In his first speech on foreign policy, President Biden declassified the existence of “transformital” and “transformoral” technologies which he’ll use in order to save our economy.

“I’ll work with Congress to make far reaching investments in research and development of transformoral and transformital technologies. These investments are going to create jobs, maintain America’s competitive edge globally, and ensure all Americans share in the dividends.”

President Joe Biden, February 4, 2021


We’ve got to hand it to President Biden – he may be the best actor in history. Some skeptics didn’t even believe that he’s capable of tying his own shoes, much less being cognizant of the legislation and executive orders he’s signed. Who would have expected he was playing 4d chess the entire time and waiting to use this technology?

Just wait until the science deniers hear about President Biden’s revolutionary plan to save the country!

Full video available at

Don’t tell the big guy that “transformoral” and “transformital” aren’t even close to any real English words.
He actually thinks he’s doing something. So let him be… or give him some orange sherbet and say thanks grandpa.